It sounds great, when can you get here?!

We currently have a very flexible schedule, so any time you call or email us we can be available to pick-up your laundry.  We probably won't answer phone calls or emails between 9 PM and 8 AM, but otherwise don't hesitate to leave messages if we don't answer.

In preparation for pick-up, you can:
...put laundry into laundry bags (13-gallon kitchen trash bags work well)
...find any hangers you may want us to use
...collect any laundry soap you may want us to use

We don't have to use your hangers and soap, but we will if you would prefer it.  Also, we will remind you that nearly everything we wash will be put in the dryer, so nothing delicate or extremely prone to shrinking, please.  We will still read tags on all items, so don't worry if you miss a couple things when you're stuffing your laundry bags.

We hope to hear from you soon!  Thanks again --

Jen and Kait
717.433.7022 or 717.432.3400
[email protected]

A little map showing where we're located: